Thats the heading in the Kemi Pohjolan Sanomat. The newspaper article went into the Kemi daily newspaper last Wednesday and was almost a full page. The reporter and photographer spent 11/2 hours interviewing Jouni on the previous Friday. We were extremely happy with it as it was a very balanced article reflecting very positively on the family and church while telling the story of our return to Finland after Jouni being away for 52 years. The photo was taken inside the chapel of our Kemi church which is beautiful - it is only 7 years old.
Winter has gone and the buds are on the trees but the grass is still patchy and it turned cold today after rain yesterday so we got the gloves and scarves out again - they are never far away!:)
"Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints"
Try saying it in Finnish
I conducted my first relief society meeting in Finnish last Sunday with English written on one line and Finnish on the line below in my notebook and it worked well.
Try saying Relief Society -Apuyhdistys !!!
We have visited all of the branch members, some who live out in the countryside allowing us to see the beautiful Finnish countryside.
We travelled to a District meeting to Kajaani about 3 hours drive away 2 weeks ago and last week we met with Pres and Sis Brown in Oulu with about 26 other missionaries and they are the best young men and women (we have 2 Sisters and 2 Couples as well).One of their presentations was on Becoming - that is what we are all doing. It is in doing and being that we become who we are.(I will choose something that I want to Be and then I will Do things in my life to bring that about) They also talked about becoming clean using a clean and a dirty cup in the analogy.Their questions and insights were amazing for young men of that age
Pres Brown taught the Plan of Salvation with power and many quotes and insights and Sis Brown taught from the scriptures on how to have peace in your life as a missionary -- very uplifting
We are working with Branch members and are in the process of having them set goals for the year at branch council meeting and planning all of the activities that will take place to make them happen.
Will keep you posted..We are going to help a sister who has been very ill clean up their strawberry patch ready for the summer on Friday. Dad has been playing a little soccer with the boys here(that means men as well - they're all mad on it here)
The young woman that we were teaching has decided tonight that she won't be baptised and although we feel sad for her it is her choice and we respect it. You have got to have the desire to change your life and for some it is too hard or thy don't see the importance of it and the eternal consequences.
This old Finnish church was built in 1540 and they still use it in summer.
Aren't the colour of the wooden buildings beautiful?
Here is the Moomins book Rebecca sent to me for Mothers Day. They are Finnish storybook characters and are on mugs, aprons, everything! The book is in English so it will be well used
So good to see all my family on skype on Mothers Day - spent it very quietly -very different!!
Finland beat Sweden in the WORLD ICE HOCKEY FINALS on Sunday night (we didn't see it!) and that has been very very sweet for them .
Any win over Sweden in anything is enjoyed by the Finns and they got the last 5 goals in the last session of the game. 6-1!!!!!
The rivers are flowing again and the ice has melted
Our love to you all in Australia especially our family and to our friends throughout the world.
The Gospel is true and it has been restored to the earth. We are so grateful for the knowledge that we have a Saviour Jesus Christ who gave his life for us each individually so that we can return to live with our Heavenly Father who loves each and everyone of his children. That is our message to the world. XOXO